Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Thanks for visiting your brand new source for the history of Presque Isle and Alpena Counties of Michigan! I spend a great deal of time researching our area's rich history and am excited to be able to share with others who are interested in the subject. The current historians of our area are aging, and it's time for a new generation to step in and start caring about and preserving our past before it's too late.

I hope to form partnerships with the current keepers of our history and help bring it to a new generation through a new media, the internet. Combining the stories and knowledge of our elders with new records and technologies of today has so far proven fruitful and I can't wait to see what we'll discover.

Please, contact me if there's a subject if you're interested in and would like to see here on the blog! I love a good mystery! I am willing to help do genealogical searches online or refer you to someone who can help. Live in an old house or farm and want to know who lived there before you? Just ask! I can usually find out who lived at which address. Want to know where your French Canadian ancestor was born? Let me know!

Thanks again for visiting, make sure to "follow" my blog so you can learn along with me!
